Saturday, July 7, 2007

One Hot Day

Today and tomorrow we are off, and because it is so hot, we are glad. This morning we took a run to the Farmer's Market downtown. Not much there. We ended up at the dollar store, and Target. We are on a mission to get a little microphone for our computer so we can talk to Connor (our grandson) when he stays with our daughter. So far no go. We did get a small mailing box so we can ship a few small items we have for him.
We were back by noon, and inside with the air on. It got up to about 97 here this afternoon. There is a cold front coming in for Monday, when we start our shifts again. Makes it nice for Tom, who does the bulk of his work outside. I sit in the air conditioned office, so I don't feel it like he does.
Yesterday at the grocery store I bought stuff for wrap sandwiches. Tonight Tom opted for just a chef salad. I had a weeks worth of meals all planned out, but this heat has put a screw in the works. Oh well, we'll go with the flow.
We just went up to the office to check our mail. We passed the pool on the way, and it was full. Whoever wasn't out eating, was in the pool. While we were there, Barb, one of the other work campers, had a call looking for a spot. Sorry, all filled up. I have never seen so many RVs in here.
I guess I'll just go and read for awhile. Tom is doing that right now. We usually sit outside in the evening, not tonight. Maybe tomorrow.


Frank-n-Penny said...

Hot here too guys! Lower 90's expected this afternoon. Could be worse.... I hear Las Vegas will hit 113 deg. today! Not for me! Just gonna' take it easy today... B-B-Q some steaks... a little fresh salad and some ice cold lemonade. Doesn't take much to keep me happy!

Stay cool!

- Frank

Anonymous said...

Really hot here too! Too HOT to go camping! Thunder and lightning storms plus HIGH humidity make for inside living. We think about the Adirondacks and then think about the fuel (3.05 a gallon in Liverpool) and then we take a nap. Maybe one day!